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Children's Soccer Coach


Thank you for being an integral part of Middleton Soccer Club!  We truly are grateful for all the time you put in for our players.


Have a question about coaching for MSC?  Leave the sweating for the field; you're not the first!  Below are some of our Frequently Asked Questions.


What is the time commitment for coaching in the Recreational program?

Our program is a full-year program, so coaches are asked to commit for fall and spring. Fall usually runs from end of August to end of October, and spring soccer resumes end of March or beginning of April until end of May.

​U4: 1-2 practices a week (45 min), no scheduled games.
U6: 2 practices a week (45 min), 1 game on weekends (games played at Foote Park).
U8: 2 practices a week (45-60 min), 1 game on weekends (games played at Foote Park).
U10: 2 practices a week (60 min), 1-2 games on weekends (games played at Foote Park; sometimes coaches may set up other games).
U12: 2 practices a week (90 min), 1-2 games on weekends (home games played at Foote; away games require some local travel).
U14: 2 practices a week (90 min), 1-2 games on weekends (home games played at Foote; away games require some local travel).

What is the time commitment for coaching in the Competitive program?

The MSC competitive program requires a year-long commitment that consists of fall and spring. League games typically begin in September and go through October for the fall season. In spring, games begin in March and run through May. Teams typically participate in off-season winter activities such as indoor soccer. (The fees for this are not covered in registration and are the responsibility of the team.) Practice days and times will be determined by the coach and can begin starting July 1st.


U9/U10: 2 practices a week (75 min), 1-2 games/week

U11/U12: 2-3 practices a week (90 min), 1-2 games/week

U13+: 3+ practices a week (90 min-120 min), 1-2 games/week


​Minimum of two tournaments determined by you, the coach.  Tournaments may require travel.  (MSC covers the cost of TWO tournament registration fees per team per soccer year. Travel costs are the responsibility of the team.)

How does MSC communicate?

MSC will send out updates and information via email.  Please be sure your email address is correct in GotSport, and please watch for incoming emails from Middleton Soccer Club or GotSport.

How is MSC structured?

MSC has notifed me that there's a team for me to coach.  Now what?!

  1. Access your GotSport coach account at

    • Click here for tutorials.

  2. Upload your photo to your coach account (headshot; no glasses or hats, etc)

  3. Complete your requirements via GotSport

    • SafeSport (every 1 year); 90 min or 30 min for refresher

    • Background Check (every 2 years); 2-5 min

    • Heads Up (every 2 years); 20-30 min

  4. Our field scheduler will contact you to reserve a practice field. 

  5. Check out your coach equipment (coach bag, soccer balls, ball pump, pinnies, cones, ice packs & First Aid Kit).

  6. Familiarize yourself with coaching guidelines and resources.

    • Coaching resources can be found here under the "Coaches" tab.

  7. Download MOJO Sports App

    • Don't PAY for it!

    • Video & tutorial here

  8. Once rosters are out, contact your team.

  9. Once rosters are out, set up Parent Meeting to take place before first practice.

What are these requirements?

A headshot of coaches is required by IYSA in GotSport for risk management purposes.  IYSA will not roster coaches for League America or D3L without one.

​Background Check
Completed at no cost to you via GotSport, this background check asks basic questions to complete...well... a background check!

Heads Up
"All coaches within IYSA are to be educated on the concussion guidelines (diagnosis and return to play etc.) either via online certification or by attending a certification class." IYSA 


"US Youth Soccer is a National Affiliate member of the national governing body for the sport of soccer in the United States, the U.S. Soccer Federation (U.S. Soccer). U.S. Soccer has developed the Safe Soccer Framework as a foundation from which all participants in the soccer community, be they athletes, coaches, referees, administrators or volunteers, play an active role in creating an environment free from emotional, physical or sexual abuse. The Safe Soccer Framework is a comprehensive program of policies and process, screening, education and training, reporting, monitoring and enforcement designed to help participants detect and report abuse, respond to it, and prevent future occurrences." USYS

I have my final roster.  Now what?

Access your roster in GotSport.  Choose current year Roster for the "Event" dropdown.  Click here for GotSport tutorials. Get contact info, reach out and introduce yourself.

How should I communicate with my team?

Find what works for you and your team.  Here are some methods coaches have used:


  • Emailing through GotSport- some like it, and some find that emails are missed.  

  • Texting

  • Email

  • MOJO- some like, but some say notifications are missed

  • Drone that drops off letters... but then you have to provide the paper.

  • Please ask families to respond so you may verify established contact.


You may find your team's contact info in your GotSport account. 

What do I do for the Parent Meeting?

Many coaches like to hold this quick meeting directly before or after the first practice.  During this short meeting, you can introduce yourself, go over goals for the year, set up expectations for players (Player Code of Conduct, good sportsmanship, etc) and parents (Parent Code of Conduct, be kind to refs, etc), ask for a team parent to send team reminders, set up snack schedule or ask a parent to if you choose to do one, and so on.

What do I need to communicate at the beginning of and throughout the season?

Communication is so important!  Please be sure to communicate everything with your team.  Some examples:


  • Practice times & location

  • Field map

  • What to bring to each practice

  • Game times & location reminders

  • Jersey color for each game

  • Weather/air quality cancellations

  • MSC announcements (important dates, etc)

What does my team need to bring to practice?

  • water bottle with plenty of water

  • ball, if they have one

  • cleats (no toe cleat)

  • shin guards

  • socks to go over shin guards

  • optional: bug spray and sunscreen

What size of ball does my team use?

U4 to U8: Size 3
U9 to U12: Size 4
U13+: Size 5

What does my team need to bring to a game?

  • uniform

  • water bottle with plenty of water

  • ball, if they have one

  • cleats (no toe cleat)

  • shin guards

  • socks to go over shin guards

  • optional: bug spray and sunscreen

What jersey color should my team wear?

Academy (Rec U6-U10)

  • (H) or Home team wears gray

  • (A) or Away team wears blue


League America (Rec U11+)

IYSA states: Each team must have alternate color of jersey or training vest. In cases of color similarity, the designated home team (listed first) will change jerseys.  

(But here's what the IYSA Comp league follows):

  • (H) or Home team wears light-colored

  • (A) or Away team wears dark



IYSA states:

  • (H) or Home team wears light-colored

  • (A) or Away team wears dark

  • Team in incorrect color is asked to change

What are the game rules?

Academy (Rec U6-U10)​


League America (Rec U11+)



How long are the games?

U6 to U8: (4) 10-min qtrs; 2-min btwn qtrs; 5-min halftime
U9/U10: (2) 25-min halves; 5-min halftime
U11/U12: (2) 30-min halves; 5-min halftime
U13/U14: (2) 35-min halves; 5-min halftime
U15/U16: (2) 40-min halves; 5-min halftime

Will our game have a referee?

There is a nationwide shortage of referees, but MSC and IYSA are making the most of it with what refs are available.  If you are assigned a ref, please be sure you and your team are treating them kindly.

These age groups do not have assigned refs, so please be aware that both coaches will need to coordinate to facilitate the game including, but not limited to:

  • Keeping time

  • Subs- every player should get equal game play... do your best

  • Proper throw-ins (both feet on ground, hands over head)

  • Restarts

  • Is it a goal kick or a corner kick?  I asked you first.

  • Basic Laws here

  • Being on the field creates some excellent teaching moments!

Recreational U10
MSC tries to cover games with the few refs we have, but please be aware that coaches or parents may need to step in if a ref is unavailable or is a no-show.

Recreational U11+ (League America)
IYSA assigns refs to games, but please be aware that coaches or parents may need to step in if a ref is unavailable or is a no-show.

IYSA assigns refs to games, but please be aware that coaches or parents may need to step in if a ref is unavailable or is a no-show.

  • Tutorial to check if you have a ref

  • Arbiter Sports (where you check for refs)

  • No-show ref?  Both coaches need to decide how to proceed if a ref is a no-show. IYSA highly recommends playing the game and not taking it away from the kids.  Coaches decide by mutual consent if you keep score and report it. If you decide to reschedule it, then fill out the standard reschedule form and you will not be charged. Just be sure to put on the form that the reschedule is because of a no-show referee.

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